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From Jerry Paisley-- “The key note speaker at our Kiwanis Luncheon yesterday was of all people, Mike Hostage. Four Star General no less. He spoke a little about the Air Force and mostly about a glider group that he flies gliders with locally. Being an old modeler, he built the glider that he flies. Very interesting talk. He told me one time when he received his first star that he thought that this Air Force thing was going to work out for him. When I spoke with him yesterday, I told him that it looks like the Air Force thing has worked out. Big Mike grinned and he agreed that it has worked out OK. The attached was a hand out that they had at the meeting. He is currently, Commander, Air Combat Command, Langley AFB Enjoy, Jerry” |
Mike Hostage: Fighter Pilot, Hero, and DC
Jerry’s email brought back some memories for some of us older Maxecuters too! You see, Mike is a DC Maxecuter. He used to fly with us at Shangri-La (Comsat) and at Pax River starting back in the late 70s shortly after he had finished his undergrad work at Duke. We checked old issues of Max-Fax and found that he joined the Maxecuters in early 1978 and was welcomed to the Maxecuters in the January-February Max-Fax when Pat was the editor of the newsletter. As a youth Mike’s home was in Bethesda, Maryland and he attended Georgetown Prep for High School. He developed an interest in airplanes and this led him to join the USAF in February 1978. His career has been on fire ever since. He flew F-16 and F-15s and several other Air Force types and is a Command Pilot with over 4000 hours of flight time. We also found a couple of photos of Mike and his daughter, Sarah, in Max-Fax back in the 80s and 90s while they atended a few of the Maxecuter flying sessions. He and Sarah made every flying session that year. What you may not know is that Mike had just come back from the first Iraq conflict where he commanded the 71st Fighter Squadron (based at Langley and deployed to Saudi Arabia). Pat remembers talking to Mike -- he had just made Colonel (O-6) and was stationed at the Pentagon working on the joint Staff as a political-military planner. We talked about his love of flying gliders and how he and his kids were building a full size glider. Mike said that it was a long drawn out project because every time he got transferred, he had to pack it up and trailer the partially completed glider or store it if he went overseas. Mike is now working on his third sailplane and photos of all three can be seen on this page. A true lover of silent flight. <> Reading Jerry’s email and looking over Mike’s resume, it occurs to us that Mike is a real hero--he served in several places in the continental US, Hawaii, Korea, Saudi Arabia and before his most recent assignment he was Commander, U.S. Air Forces Central Command, Southwest Asia--where he was responsible for everything that flies from Japan to Africa, including Iraq and Afghanistan. His family also deserves our thanks for the hardships they endured while Mike was deployed to various parts of the globeWe are indeed proud to call General Mike Hostage a DC Maxecuter! “ |
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Mike with his Vickers 3-view and his CAD drawing ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Pioneer IID.![]() |
Silent-1 ![]() |
Pioneer III ![]() |
MIKE PROVIDED THE INFORMATION CONCERNING HIS THREE SAILPLANES The Pioneer IID is the first airplane I built, . I finished it in '94 and sold it in 2006. I then built the glider in the Photo called Silent-1, it is the Silent II Targa kitted by a company called Alisport LLC. I am getting ready to build another glider, called the Pioneer III. It is the modern version of my first glider and should outperform it by about 30%! |